Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Empellon is overrated
I should have known something was wrong when Empellon called me the day of my reservation and said that we were having a 6-course tasting that night, with wine pairings, and that was our only option. Our reservation was held hostage unless I forked over a credit card number. I found this to be poor customer service, but I wanted to believe that Empellon was worth it, so I acquiesced.
Of 6 courses, 5 were average or below. 1 was brilliant:
1. Periwinkle (snail) Ceviche. Tasty but not exceptional.
2. Tamales. Good, but not better than good homemade tamales.
3. Huevos Motulenos. Brilliant dish: an over-easy egg over fried corn tortillas, beans, cheese. It's traditionally a breakfast dish, but I'd have that any time. Interesting textures, complex mix of flavors.
4. Venison Sausages with Succotash: Good sausages.
5. Sorbet. It's sorbet.
6. Almond Cake. Dry and flavorless. It was paired with La Gitana Manzanilla, a Spanish sherry that was so disgusting, both my dinnermate and I sent it back immediately. It smelled and tasted like feet.
Portions were small. I left feeling like I'd had lunch. Oh, I also had a margarita before dinner, which was billed as one of the most exceptional margaritas in the city. It's just a Skinny Girl minus the orange liquor. Not very special.
The service was attentive. Our main server was friendly and knowledgable but we didn't see her much. Our alternate server (who mostly served water and wines) was very attentive and friendly but didn't know much about the food or the wine.
Conclusions? Three pieces of advice. 1) Don't go. 2) If you do go, avoid their tastings. 3) Don't believe the Times.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Walmart makes good on Iron Man 2 Blu-ray price mistake
Kudos to Walmart! If only Amazon and Dell were this gracious:
Dear Daniel Degrandpre,
You recently received an email from us that your order of Iron Man 2 (Blu-ray + Standard DVD + Digital Copy) (Widescreen) had been cancelled due to a limited supply issue. The cancellation was due to a pricing error on this item, not a supply issue. We're sorry for the confusion and the inconvenience.
To thank you for your understanding, we will honor the $15 price that was displayed at the time of your purchase. We will email you a $10.84 eGift Card to cover the difference from the current price of $24.96 plus tax. Your eGift card will be emailed within the next 24 hours and can be applied towards the purchase of this item or a different item. We’ll issue one eGift Card per affected customer; this card can be used online at Walmart.com only.
If you would still like to preorder the Iron Man 2 Blu-ray, please wait for your eGift card and then follow the link below to place your order:
If you have any questions, please reply to this email and let us know how we can help.
Your Walmart.com Customer Service Team
Monday, June 21, 2010
Public's Gilt City "Deal" Was Anything But
Overall, we felt treated like we had used a gift certificate. I did like Public, a lot. Now I'll probably never go back. My wife certainly won't. And I definitely won't trust Gilt City just because the restaurant is top-notch.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Reader email: "Sears seriously sucks"
HiI just wanted to make you aware that every single time I have tried to buy an item that you list from Sears, none of them EVER work out.Tonight, I tried to buy one of those boys jackets. First it said that they had problems with Paypal. Then, after they took my credit card number, and got my email address in their database, they tell me, they are out of stock.Every single time I have tried to buy an item from Sears that you list, I never end up able to get it,I know it's not your fault, but I do want to complain about SearsThanksSarah
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Top 10 Deals for August 2009
- Ann Taylor LOFT women's dresses for $5 + $9 s&h, more
- Up to 70% off Suncloud sunglasses at REI.com: Deals from $15 + $6 s&h
- Lands' End Men's Shoes from $10 + free shipping
- 75% off Garden Treasures patio furniture at Lowe's: Deals from $9 + pickup
- EMS Semi-Annual Footwear Clearance: The North Face Sandals from $8 + $7 s&h, more
- Up to 80% off footwear at Teva.com: Deals from $20 + $6 s&h
- Men's athletic apparel roundup: Nike Performance Polo for $16 + $1, more
- BuyCostumes.com coupon: 10% off $30 or more
- Lands' End women's swimsuits (limited sizes) : 90% off or more + free shipping
- App Store Freebies: Golf Etiquette, Evil Goniometer, Alarm Clock Plus, more
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Which laptop feature matters least?
I'm building an HP laptop to use for our Facebook giveaway, and I'm working within a budget. Which one of these features would you think matters least?
- 512MB ATI Radeon(TM) HD 4530 Graphics (compared to default graphics)
- Blu-Ray ROM with SuperMulti DVD+/-R/RW Double Layer (compared to DVD burner)
- 12 Cell Lithium Ion Battery (compared to 6-cell)
- Louis: "Hmm, if it's a 16" or bigger [it is], I'd say the battery is least important. Those machines are too clunky too lug around. Esp w/ a video card ... you're gonna want to plug into an AC outlet otherwise battery will wipe out fast."
- Jeff S.: "Hmm ... looks to me like of each of those choices would benefit from the others, but I'd have to say graphics. Long battery life is a great feature, as is Blu-ray. And the graphics card shouldn't matter TOO much, unless someone wants to do video editing.
- Jim: "For me, it would be Blu-ray. You can't ever replace the graphics, I give that a high priority. Everything else can be upgraded later."
I decided to take Jim's advice and dump Blu-ray. The fact of the matter is, I just don't think as many people care about having a laptop play Blu-ray movies compared to having faster graphics (especially for games) and having a longer battery life. But if I'm wrong, a Blu-ray drive can usually be added later.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Meh on Wine.Woot
The first order was for a Willamette Valley Vineyards Pinot Noir Trio. I must say, that wine was brilliant.
So, I figured I'd try it again. I ordered a Block 13 Cabernet Sauvignon 4-Pack, about $14/bottle. It was very good, and definitely worth $14/btl.
I concluded that Wine.Woot is a good way to try new wines at discount prices ... a way to learn wines. Wine.Woot had earned my trust. Over the next few months, I placed the following orders (given with my ratings):
- Colores Del Sol Argentina Malbec Trio ($14/btl) = sux
- Titus Vineyards 2-Pack ($32/btl) = particularly disappointing
- Clos La Chance Trio ($18/btl) = 1 good, 1 meh, 1 sux
- Roessler Winery Pinot Noir Trio ($22/btl) = sux
- Vino Noceto Sangiovese Trio ($22/btl) = I don't even recall
- Roessler Bluejay Pinot Noir Trio ($22/btl) = sux (think I'd have learned the 1st time)
1) Don't use Wine.Woot as a way to learn about wine. It's too hit & miss. Recently, there have been few bargains, as they keep selling 3-for-$65 wines that don't save much over street price (fortunately, today has a Zin 4-pack for $55).
2) You're much better off going into any good local wine store and asking the staff for recommendations at $20 or less. I've switched to this, using a nice local wine store that's close by, and its hit rate (defined as "better than meh") is 75%.
3) I waste waaaaay too much money ordering crap online.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
iPhone v. Concrete? Winner: Concrete

A call to AT&T proved unhelpful, so I suggested she go to an Apple Store. They were helpful, but the replacement cost was $300. Ouch. And apparently, you can't insure an iPhone. I'm so buying her a silicone skin for this one.
Update: The Apple Store could have replaced just the screen for $200, but they didn't have any in stock, so we got the replacement phone (a refurb). A new one would have cost $500.
Update2: Courtesy Daniel H.: You can insure an iPhone, just not through Apple or AT&T. Some people use the floating policy on their home insurance, or you can use SquareTrade. I have 3 years of coverage (including full accidental damage) on mine for like $87 (via one of the hefty 30-40% off coupons they usually have). Better than the cost of replacement, and worth the extra lifetime if I decide to skip a generation before upgrading to the latest iPhone. Only caveat is it has to be within like 30 days or so of the purchase date to get it with SquareTrade.
Update3: Jim found that TechRestore fixes them overnight for $100 + $19 s&h.
Friday, October 24, 2008
BRILLIANT spam from LNT!
If you cannot see the links or images in this email, click here. Our e-mail address is changing. Please add this address to your address book: Linens-N-Things@em.lnt.com. Find out how. | |
| ||
Thank you in advance for your comments. We value your opinions. Sincerely, Linens 'n Things |
Nice timing, as LNT is out of business and liquidating its inventory.
Brilliant spam from Crutchfield
Dear Valued Customer,Crutchfield hit home on several points: We've got great customer service, we're financially sound, and we've weathered recessions before because we're smart businesspeople. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant. I get thousands of emails from stores a week, and I've seen no such reassurance from any other retailer. By being first, Crutchfield stands out.The international financial crisis is weighing heavily on all of us. As consumers, one factor that we all need to consider is the stability of the companies with whom we do business. In the current economic climate, many retailers will stumble and some will even fail. For that reason, I personally want to explain Crutchfield's unique situation.
For many years, I have been concerned about the growing credit bubble. It was obvious to me that it was unsustainable and that an inevitable day of reckoning would come. To protect our customers, our employees, and my family from the disastrous consequences of a financial meltdown, I positioned Crutchfield to withstand the worst. We became very frugal with how we spent money. We did not pay outlandish executive salaries and bonuses. We did not build fancy facilities. We did not expand our retail store operations. And we did not buy other companies. Instead, we worked extremely hard to improve how we serve our customers, while we managed every aspect of our business with excellence. Furthermore, we paid off all of our debt and accumulated cash reserves.
When shopping in times like these, you need to be certain that the retailer will be around to provide you with years of after-the-sale support. We know that you expect guarantees, warranties and promises of lifetime product support to be kept when you purchase with us - and I have positioned our company to deliver without compromise on all of these important elements. As retailers go, Crutchfield is a "Rock of Gibraltar." We have no debt, a perfect credit rating and a legacy of fiscal prudence. Therefore, we will be around to serve you as we have served millions of customers for the past 34 years and throughout the last four recessions.
Purchasing from Crutchfield today means you are choosing a company that will help you use and enjoy your purchase now and in the future. I hope that you'll give Crutchfield a chance to exceed your expectations. I thank you for your time and, most importantly, for doing business with Crutchfield.
Bill Crutchfield
Founder and CEO, Crutchfield Corporation
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Speedo Men's Warmup Jacket, Foot Locker Hoodie
Koskin 20-Disc CD Hanger
I'd like it better if the CDs were protected from dust a bit more, though. But, $2!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
How to tell if your small bank is in trouble
Forbes: How to tell if your small bank is in trouble
Friday, September 26, 2008
Have you seen the ad for Wario Land: Shake It?

dealnews Redesign
The main reason we implemented this redesign was to remove the right sidebar on dealnews so we could use that space for other purposes, now and in the future.
This redesign was shown to the heavy dealnews users that make up our User Advisory Board. It received extremely positive ratings, far more than any redesign we ever launched. Nice.
You can compare the old and new here:
The changes may seem dramatic since we changed the very top of the page. But scroll down and you'll find that the redesign changes very little.
Changes of note:
- The category list on the right has moved to the top of the page.
- "Today's Hottest" is now a gadgety widget, which allowed us to add product images, but we can only fit the top 4 now (we had up to 6 before).
- The right sidebar has been eliminated. This gave us an area on the right to add more tools to each deal. The first is a new "Report an Error" link.
- Links to the three most recent "Feature" articles have been added to the upper right.
As you browse around, you'll find that the sidebar is still on a few of our pages. We're upgrading those pages soon.
Special thanks to the designers and programmers who worked on these changes. Extra special thanks to our readers who've given us feedback, much of it used in this redesign.
Please leave us comments, either as a follow up to this blog post or via our email feedback form at http://dealnews.com/contact.html. (Update: If you're reporting a problem, please provide your browser version and platform. The more detail the better ... for example, Firefox 3.0.2, Mac OS X 10.5 would be great.) Thanks for reading!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Babysitting cooperatives
I'm not a parent, but I am cheap, and what a great idea: Brooklyn Based found a babysitting cooperative for Brooklynites. That's FTW if you're already cash-strapped from the cost of living in NY.
http://brooklynbased.net/everything/babysitters-for-0-an-hour/In a handful of neighborhoods — Prospect Heights, Fort Greene/Clinton Hill, Carroll Gardens, Windsor Terrace, and Bay Ridge to name a few — you don’t need to pay qualified adults to care for your child when you need to go to the doctor’s, work at home alone, or want a date night out. You just need to be willing to return the favor, as a member of a babysitting cooperative.
Bill Heard locations in U.S. shutting down
Classy til the end.Shortly after 1 p.m. Wednesday, employees at the Huntsville dealership were asked to gather. They were told that the dealership was closing and that they should leave the premises.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Time Warner DVR v. TiVo
ZDNet: How I dumped my DVR for a terabyte TiVo
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Apple tax break! (not)

However, the fine print from Apple's promo says:
The transaction does NOT qualify for the exemption if:Tune in for Apple's next promotion, where they give away a free Porsche 911 with every new MacBook purchased from an Apple Store for under $1,098*.
- The CPU costs more than $750 before tax.
* Offer excludes student and government discounts, theft, typos, and other loopholes we haven't thought of.